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Street Naming and Numbering


Midlothian Council has a statutory duty under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 to provide street names and property numbers where appropriate for any new development. The Council is also responsible for providing the official address for each property. Each address includes information determined by the Council (for example house number, street, locality and town) and Royal Mail (post town and postcode). Within the Council, responsibility for street naming, numbering etc lies with the Place Directorate. Whilst the name of a new street is determined by the Council, local community organisations and individuals are encouraged to make suggestions for consideration. These can be forwarded to your local Councillor or direct to the office who administer applications via the email address below. 

1. Guidance on Street Naming
(a) Street names should have some historical or other meaningful connection with the area.
(b) New street names should not duplicate any similar name already in use in a town, village or postcode area.
(c) New street names should be distinctive.
(d) The use of a name relating to persons either living or alive during living memory is avoided.

2. Houses with a name and postal number.
(a) If your property has a given number there is no requirement to register any proposed name with the Council, however it will not be added to your address official unless you make an application to us.
(b) You can then display the name on your property, and use the name as part of your address but the allocated number will always take priority and should always be included in your address to avoid any potential problems with the emergency services, deliveries, etc.

3. Allocation of Street Names and postal Numbering.
(a) Please ensure you complete the application form with all relevant information, any incomplete application forms may delay the allocation of a statutory address.

(b) When a completed application form is received along with the location and the site plan we will allocate the name and number(s) of the street accordingly.  Please note that all applicants must demonstrate ownership of the properties or land the application relates to.  Please further note the timescale for processing applications is 8 weeks from date of payment. This timescale is indicative only and due to other work pressures may not be achievable.

(c) Where a Street Name has already been allocated and further numbering is required please complete all relevant sections on the form, provide a location and site plan giving information regarding the Street Name(s) already allocated.

(d) Once a street has been named and numbered we will then inform The Royal Mail who are responsible for allocating postcodes (The Royal Mail will only allocate a postcode on receipt of formal notification from us). Once the full address and post code is known we then confirm this to you and inform the statutory authorities and the emergency services of the new address.

4. New house or other building to be named only (only where numbering is not possible).
(a) If the new house/building cannot be numbered then an agreed name will be registered with The Royal Mail. The owner should send in their request with their proposed name and where possible giving two choices. (Any proposed name considered to be obscene, racist or which would contravene any aspect of the Council’s Guidance document on street naming etc will not be acceptable).

5. Change of existing house or other building name.
(a) If your property has a name but no postal number, and you wish to change the name of the property, you will need the approval of the Council, as it would almost certainly lead to confusion if more than one property in the same locality is using the same name, principally to the emergency services. This is done by lodging the application form.

6. Application Fee

The appropriate fee as per the list of fees is required to be paid at the time of lodging the form or as soon as possible thereafter dependent upon the size of the development and the need to determine the actual number of streets which will be named.  The decision in relation to the number of streets within a development is entirely a matter for the Council to determine..

Please also note that with effect from 1 September 2018 the fee charged by the Council for the provision of refuse bins will be added to the application fee and this fee will be determined by Commercial Operations.  Please click on this link for further information


7. Contact
Please contact the Democratic Services Team if you require further assistance with completion of your application form.

Democratic Services Team
Place Directorate
Midlothian Council,
Midlothian House,
Buccleuch Street,
EH22 1DN

Tel: 0131 271 6697

Street Naming Policy and Guidelines

List of Fees - April 2024 

List of Fees - April 2025

Application Form

Standard Specification for Street Name Plates in Midlothian


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