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Midlothian Integration Joint Board

Committee Details
Midlothian Council and NHS Lothian now work together as a Health and Social Care Partnership governed by the Midlothian Integration Joint Board (IJB).
20 August 2015 - onwards
  • Members
  • Meetings
  • Other Information


Committee Membership Filters
PartyNameRoleMembership Dates
Scottish National Party
Councillor Connor McManus Chair 22/03/2023 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Derek Milligan Member 24/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Kelly Parry Member 24/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor Pauline Winchester Member 24/05/2022 - current


Appointee NameAppointee RoleAppointee Membership Dates
Page 1 of 2, Displaying items 1 to 10 of 16 appointees/vacancies that match search criteria
Grace Chalmers Non-voting 14/04/2022 - current
Keith Chapman Non-voting 01/12/2016 - current
Val De Souza Vice Chair 01/08/2022 - current
Ms Wanda Fairgrieve Non-voting 03/05/2018 - current
Marlene Gill Non-voting 20/08/2015 - current
Rebecca Green Non-voting 18/07/2022 - current
David King Non-voting 01/01/2024 - current
Mr Angus McCann Member 03/05/2018 - current
Jordan Miller Non-voting 12/03/2020 - current
Johanne Simpson Non-voting 02/10/2019 - current


Officer NameOfficer RoleOfficer Membership Dates
Ms Morag Barrow Chief Officer 30/09/2019 - current
Joan Tranent Non-voting 03/07/2021 - current


Substitute PartySubstitute NameSubstitute RoleSubstitute Membership Dates
Scottish National Party
Councillor Dianne AlexanderSubstitute 24/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Willie McEwanSubstitute 24/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Stuart McKenzieSubstitute 24/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor David VirgoSubstitute 24/05/2022 - current
Committee Clerk
Democratic Services
0131 271 3160

Other Information